Thursday, July 28, 2011

Why Write About Being Gluten-Free and Soy-Free?

I believe in truth in advertising. So, let me start by telling you that I am not soy-free nor am I gluten-free. Those titles belong (respectively) to my husband and ten-year-old-son. As the chief cook and grocery shopper in our family, it is my responsibility to make sure that my guys stay healthy.  While my diet contains less soy and gluten as a result, I still eat breads and pastas. I also find it expensive for all of us to be gluten/soy-free and the diet doesn't provide me with any health benefits; so it just doesn't make any sense for me to eat gluten/soy-free.

So, why write about it? My husband, James, is a chiropractor and science-based nutrition expert. Every week, he asks patients to try a food elimination/provocation diet. The response by many is, "I don't think that I can do that." So, my thought was, "Why not post our dinner menus to show that it isn't that hard?"  I am a working mom, who, let's be honest, in her daily life just isn't that fastidious. Details often escape me; my house just isn't that clean; and I have been called, "Creatively Challenged". I am not the woman who makes you say, "How does she do it?" I am, however, a mother and wife who loves her family deeply and is willing to try to overcome her shortcomings to help them live healthier lives.

I hope that by sharing our approach, I may make it easier for others with restricted diets to take the plunge and stick to diets that provide them with optimal wellness.